Ready to Start Your Impact Investing Journey with Toniic?
Every journey begins with a single step, and this one begins by filling out our membership application.
Our community is made of passionate investors who see the management of their wealth as an extension of their values.
We serve accredited investors and senior staff of family offices or foundations who are:
- Intent on actively moving assets toward positive impact
- Willing to share their investing lives with other Toniic members
- In agreement with Toniic’s Code of Conduct
“The best part of Toniic is definitely the people I’ve met; finding Toniic was like finding my tribe.”

Danny Almagor
Toniic Member since 2014
We offer two tiers of membership, depending on your needs:
Up to 2 member seats
US $7,500 annually *
US $2,000 one-time on-boarding fee *
An invitation to join the 100% Network, if eligible
Global +
Up to 6 member seats
US $15,000 annually *
US $4,000 one-time on-boarding fee *
An invitation to join the 100% Network, if eligible
Toniic members envision a world in which all investments honor the planet and its inhabitants. Toniic gives them the tools and support to build that world.
A Global Community
The true magic of Toniic is its members. Impact investors come together from around the world to collaborate, educate, and support one another on their impact journeys. Toniic members meet and connect through regional member gatherings, interactive webinars, intimate local meetups, and even personalized member introductions, facilitated by dedicated Toniic team members.
100% Network
Members of the 100% Network have committed to deploying 100% of the investments in at least one portfolio in pursuit of deeper positive net impact. As a 100%er, you will find peers on a similar journey, and an environment of support, not judgment.
Toniic Impact Forums
Through Toniic Impact Forums, members are able to connect with other members in their geographic regions. These groups meet more regularly than other Toniic gatherings and focus on the whole person, not just the investor.

“I get to benefit from a lot of different perspectives from around the world.”

Alexandra Korijn
Toniic Member since 2014, BOARD MEMBER SINCE 2018
New to impact investing, interested in learning and connecting, looking for tools and mentorship
Active in deploying assets, interested in investment opportunities, looking for strategies and a platform
Fully deployed assets, interested in collective action, looking to share and amplify their impact
We believe that impact investing is a journey. That journey includes stages of deployment, and Toniic has resources to help you at all stages of your journey, including peer sharing of portfolio strategies, best practice resources from industry experts, and access to leading research projects like Impact Terms and T100.
The Activator Series
For those just getting started, Toniic has created a comprehensive impact investing training program, which is included in your membership. The goal of the series is to give “Activators,” as we at Toniic call those who are new to impact investing or investing in general, all the tools they need to start deploying a portfolio.
The Activator Cohort is an additional offering for Toniic members wanting to go deeper with this content in a small group with accountability and support. The Cohort coincides with the delivery of monthly learning modules in the Activator Series.
Topics covered during the three phases include: forming your team, picking your approach, details of portfolio construction, crafting your Theory of Change, and more!
“Connecting and learning from members has been really pivotal for us. I would say we’ve been able to move from thinking about sustainable and impact investing to doing it in an acceptable way because of the network and connections through Toniic.”
Toniic Member
T100 Participant, 2017 Powered ascent report
Access to Direct Deals and Funds
Toniic can support you if you would like assistance finding meaningful investment opportunities. We have a dedicated investment team curating co-investment opportunities across asset classes and impact themes, who will send tailored notifications of investment opportunities based on your specific impact and investment criteria.
Members also have access to a member’s only view of the T100 Diirectory of impact investments, with additional “members-only” information including the name of the members invested.
A global platform of direct deals and funds across the SDGs
Access to co-investment opportunities with other members
Access to thematically curated Impact Funds Circles
Toniic Investment Programs FAQ
How does Toniic support its members with access to investment opportunities?
Toniic supports its member network through access to impact investment opportunities.
This includes both impact investment programs where Toniic members can learn about new impact investments, and working groups where members actively collaborate on specific investment themes to co-invest.
Toniic’s investment programs are focused on co-investment among members of the network as well as on sourcing new investment opportunities. Members choose to learn about investment opportunities through a variety of channels, including:
- direct deals and funds across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Toniic’s global investment platform,
- investment roundup webinars,
- thematic webinars,
- personalized notification emails based on the themes of interest of Toniic members, and
- shared due diligence calls.
Toniic’ investment programs are strongly member led: they rely on opportunities sourced from members of the community, reviews by members, and shared due diligence with other Toniic members.
Also Toniic is not a syndicate, every member invests or co-invests independently.
How does Toniic help its members with impact investment selection?
Toniic’s investment sourcing focuses exclusively on impact investments – funds and enterprises seeking to make a net positive contribution to big social or environmental issues (the SDGs). The Toniic team helps its members to apply impact investing frameworks to evaluate investments, but does not perform that evaluation for members.
Through Toniic’s deal and fund programs, investors can identify SDGs of interest and be matched to funds and direct deals aligned with their interests. Members also participate in global calls focused on the presentation of investment opportunities by the Toniic investment team, as well as those referred to the Toniic community by multiple members.
Toniic is a non-profit membership organization and not an investment advisor or broker dealer. Toniic does not recommend investment opportunities to its members, nor receive financial compensation for investments made by its members.
Do Toniic’s investment programs present investment opportunities that are only broadly sustainable or responsible?
No, only the narrower category of impact investments, which we define as those seeking to make a net positive contribution to addressing the SDGs. This excludes from our investment programs (but not, of course, from our members’ investment portfolios) funds and enterprises that integrate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors to mitigate financial risk or improve values alignment for the investor, but do not seek to make an identifiable positive contribution to addressing big world problems.
Does Toniic take into account the mitigation of ESG risks in selecting impact investments to present?
ESG Positive Factors Integration
Yes. While we focus on presenting impact investments only, we believe that rigorous integration of ESG factors in the investment process can advance environmental standards and data disclosures for many industries, promote good workers and supply chain practices, and favor companies that behave responsibly as global citizens. However, because ESG is not highly regulated, and not consistently defined or applied, an ESG label does not always mean that an investment is aligned with an investor’s goals or values.
Most ESG data is based on unaudited voluntary corporate disclosure and there are many ESG data providers in the market that use different datasets and deploy different methodologies which lead to different and sometimes contrasting results. Toniic members use different data sources (FossilFuelfreefunds, Truecost, Sustainalytics, S-ray Arabesque, Impact Cubed, & HIP Investor are frequently used), depending on their preferences. Some of the platforms used by Toniic members also select top-scoring ESG funds based on their methodologies and highlight such funds.
ESG Negative Risk Mitigation
In Toniic deal and fund programs, Toniic makes its best effort to identify ESG risks but will leave the ESG analysis to the individual members as a part of their due diligence based on personal values and investment criteria.
The Toniic team systematically asks funds and companies entering our process to disclose ESG risks, which we define using a double materiality standard. Specifically, we request disclosure to potential Toniic investors (we do not require public disclosure of any diligence responses) of any potential Environmental, Social, or Governance matter arising from the activities of the enterprise, a portfolio company, or the fund manager, which may be considered material by a Toniic investor, from either a financial or an impact perspective.
- We then review ESG risk disclosures accordingly. Based on our knowledge of the preferences of investors in the Toniic community and the likelihood that any disclosed matter would be considered material by some Toniic members, the following will apply:
- If the response suggests no such material risks, we proceed to share the opportunity without further disclosure.
- If the response suggests something we anticipate would be of concern to some members:
- If we believe the disclosed matter would be sufficiently material to a large number of Toniic members such that they would not consider the investment, we will decline to share the opportunity
- If we believe the disclosed matter would not preclude a large number of members from investing, we will disclose the issues(s) without further evaluation, leaving to members further investigation and evaluation of the issue and alignment to individual values as part of their due diligence.
- If ESG risks that were not initially disclosed by an investment fund or enterprise in our investment programs are brought to our attention by a Toniic member, we reach out to the fund manager or entrepreneur to request that they comment or clarify the issue. We then share both the mention of the ESG risk and the fund manager/entrepreneur’s response in all subsequent communication.
- If we are made aware of ESG risks after the completion of our programming, we contact all investors who informed Toniic that they are considering the opportunity and report to them the potential ESG risks as well as the response from the fund manager/entrepreneur. We also include ESG risks and responses on the corresponding Gust profile and update deal summaries in the library of deal summaries that members can access for future reference.
Please note that while Toniic makes its best effort to identify and disclose material ESG risks, Toniic makes no representation about the completeness and accuracy of ESG risks.
Are the selection criteria for funds and direct investments in enterprises the same?
No, they are different. Direct investments in enterprises must be proposed as co-investment opportunities by members who have already invested or are actively considering an investment. Fund managers, on the other hand, may apply to be featured. Our selection criteria are available on Toniic’s website, and include a subjective determination by the Toniic investment team of the likely interest level of members.
Can the Toniic team recommend impact investments to its members?
Investment opportunities highlighted on the Toniic platform undergo a screening process for their impact investment thesis, proof of concept, team track-record, and other factors, but Toniic does not provide due diligence support or investment advice. Toniic is not a regulated investment advisor. Toniic members make their own investment decisions. Toniic also recommends its members consult with a tax, investment and legal advisor before making investments.
How are investment opportunities selected for virtual and in person presentations?
Toniic prioritizes investment opportunities selected for investor presentations based on the expressions of interest of Toniic members, and alignment with the impact themes of events.
Toniic members presenting opportunities in which they are directly involved or for which they may receive financial compensation receive no advantages or special promotion within the Toniic community. Members are expected to disclose such potential conflicts-of-interest to the investment team and community to increase transparency.
Is Toniic paid any kind of success fee for investments made by its members?
No. Toniic’s investment programs are supported only by member dues and a modest processing fee for funds to cover administrative costs, a fee which is based on the size of the fund and not success. Toniic does not accept referral fees, finders fees, nor receive any asset-based fees for investments made by members.
Do direct deals and funds pay to be featured on Toniic? How does this ensure that the selection is driven by the fund quality and alignment with Toniic members’ interest?
There is no charge to enterprises recommended by members co-investment to be featured in our programs. Many early stage companies operate in low resource income settings and lack the ability to pay a processing fee.
Funds that are selected for Toniic’s investment programs pay a modest processing fee to offset our administrative costs.
The listing fee has a tiered pricing structure, with smaller funds paying a fee starting at $1,000 to participate, and larger funds paying $2,500-$3,500. In order to promote diversity and racial equity , Toniic provides discounts for funds focused primarily on diversity, equity and inclusion so that our fund program is inclusive for smaller, diverse and first time fund managers.
“I’ve received very practical and personalized help on deal flow and portfolio construction from the experts on the Toniic team, and met amazing people. Toniic is incredibly valuable.”

Sayuri Sharper
Toniic Member since 2018
Impact Support
Impact investing is pioneering work, but it doesn’t have to be lonely. Toniic provides an environment of trust for asset owners to conduct their journey of values clarification and alignment in a culture of support, not judgement. We also provide practical impact support through:
- Portfolio analysis dashboards
- Impact management support for your investments
- Benefits with our partners – Asian Venture Philanthropy Network, RippleWorks, ImpactAlpha and Phenix Capital
- Support promoting your impact activities
“As part of Toniic and the 100% Network, it’s really exciting to be part of something that is growing and building and getting real traction in the marketplace.”

Mia Haugen
Toniic Member since 2015
Ready to Start Your Impact Investing Journey with Toniic?
Every journey begins with a single step, and this one begins by filling out our membership application.