Mind the Gap: A joint report from T100 and CSP

Data provided by the T100 Project to the Consortium have been utilised in three peer-reviewed, journal-published academic papers so far. The purpose of this report, jointly published by Toniic and CSP, is to summarise some of the key findings of those papers in a shorter, simplified format that is more accessible to a wider audience, particularly busy practitioners, including those who contribute data to the T100 Project. This publication provides Toniic as well with an opportunity to comment on the findings from its perspective. While every effort has been made to faithfully represent the findings of the full papers, nuance is lost in a non-academic summary. We encourage interested readers to read the full papers, referenced at the end of this report.

In some cases, the papers highlight gaps in the current practice of impact investing that practitioners may want to be aware of and address. This report includes key takeaways from each of the papers, reflections on the research in aggregate, and comments on the gaps highlighted by this research from Toniic’s perspective.


Toniic MindGap Report - 2023 3 MB 244 downloads


Report Launch Webinar Recording Available

In this video, you can watch a recording of the launch webinar, where some of the authors discuss their process, the findings, and what it means for impact investing practitioners.