Aspiring to Beauty

Why register for the Toniic 2022 Virtual AGG?
Whether you are new to Toniic or have been around a while, you won’t want to miss our signature members-only annual global event, the Annual Global Gathering (AGG), May 23-26 (depending on your timezone). It’s the best chance all year for you to meet fellow members from 25+ countries across the globe. While we are all tired of pandemic-induced virtual conferences, this isn’t one of those. It’s a gathering, not a conference!

What’s the difference?
- The AGG seeks primarily to highlight and share the tremendous wisdom and activity within our community, rather than emphasizing keynotes from outside speakers you see at conferences.
- The Gathering is highly interactive, where you are invited to share your perspectives and what you are working on – and call in support – and you will have many opportunities for unstructured interaction with your amazing fellow members. No panels of talking heads!
- It’s members-only, ensuring that this event creates space for candid conversations between committed asset owners.
Gathering virtually allows members from all over the world to participate without traveling.
Nearly all sessions will be interactive among our global peers, not just talking heads. It’s a gathering, not a conference!
The AGG is an experiential journey that starts on Day One with where we are individually, and ends on Day Three with a clarified collective vision
Here’s what to expect
The theme of Aspiring to Beauty will guide this journey
“Aspiring to Beauty” is a call to step out of our more usual focus on solving problems and instead ground ourselves in our vision for a better world. We’ll end with practical action steps, but start by reconnecting to our “why” – why do we do this work, what beautiful outcomes do our hearts most aspire to? We’ll be inspired by beautiful things and we will aspire to solutions that reimagine key systems.
In a multi-day workshop on the Art of Impact, we will crystallize our individual visions, broaden those to make them more universally accessible, and then identify the constraints to realizing that vision and next action steps to bring the vision to life.
We’ll focus on connection
The AGG is your chance to connect with friends old and new who share your desire to invest their resources to improve the world. The Gathering will focus on those connections, with cross-border meetups between members in different geographies, a Global Council in which we share our visions, and our signature “Give/Get” marketplace to share what we are working on and find allies. In cities with critical mass, we’ll offer options for a lunch or dinner to meet face-to-face.
We’ll feed your head
Our investment team will highlight the best collaborative investments of the last year – the ones that leveraged member collaboration to show how our community works together in making deals and catalyzing more impact. Our member Erika Karp from Pathstone will explore impact investing in a polarized world, exploring what we might learn from the war in Ukraine. We’ll close with commitments to action.
You’ll move your body and your heart
We’ll have a movement session, and we’ll share “beautiful things” that inspire each of us.
Day One
Welcome and Intention Setting
Setting the stage for the event: What does “Aspiring to Beauty” mean?
The Art of Impact Workshop | Day One : Your Personal Vision
Your Personal Vision: Get clear on your most aspirational, beautiful vision for a harmonious world that works for all.
Impact Investing in a Polarized World
The war in Ukraine has given rise to further polarization in our global politics. What are the implications of economic cooperation with authoritarian governments to achieve impact goals versus halting their access to capital? How can the private sector best support efforts to rebuild conflict stricken nations?
Stakeholder Engagement Workshop
Practice ways to align your impact values with end stakeholder interests, and integrate insights from stakeholder engagement into your investment lifecycle.
Firestory presented by Toniic Members
Firestories are a Toniic signature session spotlighting the personal side of a member’s journey to impact and what the turning point was that helped them commit to their work in the world. Different members will be presenting in each timezone.
Depending on your timezones, these sessions will occur after day one or before day two.
Global Council
A Global Council to share our visions for a more beautiful world from the Art of Impact Workshop Day 1. The one session of the event at a time accessible to most timezones and attendees – all of us together.
Day Two
Welcome and Intention Setting
Recapping the previous day and setting the intention for today.
The Art of Impact Workshop | Day Two : Bringing Others Onboard with Your Vision
Bringing Others Onboard with Your Vision: Invite feedback on how to make your vision more universally appealing while still true to your intention, ending with the opportunity to revise your personal vision.
Give/Get Marketplace
Members share a three-minute Give or Get. What can you offer others in the community? What are you working on that you’d invite help or participation with? In the Toniic spirit of “share, don’t sell,” no fundraising, rather invitations for participation, support, co-creation. Sign up in advance here.
Firestory presented by Toniic Members
Firestories are a Toniic signature session spotlighting the personal side of a member’s journey to impact and what the turning point was that helped them commit to their work in the world. Different members will be presenting in each timezone.
Depending on your timezones, these sessions will occur after day two or before day three.
Virtual Meetups EMEA/Americas and APAC/Americas
Open conversation between members in different regions to meet one another, share strategies, approaches, and questions you are wrestling with.
Movement – Congolese Dance
Drop in for a taste of the Congo with Kiazi Malonga in an energized Congolese Dance session – back from last year by popular demand!
Day Three
Welcome and Intention Setting
Recapping the previous day and setting the intention for today.
Best of Collaborative Investments
Back by popular demand, we will highlight investment opportunities that have been the most successful at raising capital from Toniic members, with a focus on how our investor community leveraged the power of the network to collaborate and co-invest. The session will include five funds presented and reviewed by Toniic member investors.
Firestory presented by Toniic Members
Firestories are a Toniic signature session spotlighting the personal side of a member’s journey to impact and what the turning point was that helped them commit to their work in the world. Different members will be presenting in each timezone.
The Art of Impact Workshop | Day Three : Investigate constraints and identify your next steps
Investigate constraints and identify your next steps.
Theory U
Theory U is an awareness-based approach to system change. Starting with the idea that what we pay attention to, and how we pay attention, are key to what we create, we’ll explore examples of how this approach works, ending with an invitation to apply it to your work.
What collective impact are we having? What have we discovered together?