Investing in Racial Justice

Toniic continues in our commitment to become an anti-racist organization and member community. We recognize and accept our responsibility to proactively contribute to justice, equity, and dismantling systemic racism. We are doing this through both immediate and long term commitments, as we have far to go on the journey to a more equitable world for all. We are inspired by those further in this journey, encouraged by our members and hopeful for the chance to do more together.

Our Action Plan on Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in our Work is centered on four key areas: Community, Education and Events, Investments, and Voice. We share example actions below not to garner praise, but to invite more investors to join us in this work. As with all things at Toniic, we encourage feedback and contributions to our collective action.


  • Our CEO, Adam Bendell, joined the steering committee of the Racial Equity Investing Coalition. 
  • Open to all Toniic team members, our DEI Task Force comes together monthly to advance the integration of DEI in all aspects of our work.
  • Our board made a commitment to DEI in board conversations and at the strategic level with an additional focus and associated action from the Governance Committee.
  • The Toniic team is invited to participate in anti-racist book discussions, including Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudices that Shapes What We See, Think, and Do by Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt and Unbias: Addressing Unconscious Bias at Work by Stacey A. Gordon.  
  • We engage in conversation with our peers and partners to focus on diversity in our community and to stand up the sector as a whole.

Education & Events

  • We commit to DEI at the essence of all programming and as we support our community of impact investors in their journey.
  • Members collaborate through an active working group on Investing for Gender & Racial Equity. 
  • Past and future events feature racial justice investing strategies. 
  • Our education curriculum includes instruction on why and how to integrate DEI as an investment lens.


  • Members track the amount of their portfolios allocated to DEI-focused investments through Toniic Tracer. 
  • Members find DEI-focused investment opportunities easily through our platform. 
  • Toniic signed on to the Due Diligence 2.0 Commitment.


To create your own Action Plan for Racial Justice Investing, we encourage you to explore these additional resources

Join us as we turn this moment of incredible humility into a time of hope and inspiration. Let us build a more equitable sector and future together. To make suggestions or engage in this critical conversation, please email us at